Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Green Bay Packers and Dallin H Oaks!

As every week, this was an amazing and memorable one for Sister Tanner. It was hard to get thru her email this week without tears of joy rolling down my cheeks. I hope you feel her love and joy of the Gospel as you read this.
Tuesday was the District Meeting for the Missionaries. They got to know the Elders a lot better this time. It was also their last time with their District Leader. Transfers are in one week, and he goes home after that. It was sad to say goodbye. Also, on Tuesday the Sisters saw 2 turtles just walking down the street in Prairie du Chien. Sister Tanner says this city really is "Snow White Land."
Snow White lawn gnomes.
Wednesday, Prairie du Chien had another tornado warning. The Sisters didn't even know, until their appointment they had was canceled due to the weather. However, this did not stop them! They contacted people close to their apartment, in case they had to run home quickly during the storm! During this time, they ended up having 2 much needed lessons. They visited a couple they had been talking with. They are going thru a hard time, and spilled their lives to the Sisters. They really needed them. They want to read the Book of Mormon and pray for answers. How amazing! They also met with a sweet lady who runs a daycare. The Sisters have been doing service for her, and trying to teach her. She loves them so much! They had a very emotional lesson, and she agreed to hearing more about the gospel. Sister Tanner said, "We learned that the spirit makes people spill their guts. The spirit makes people feel comfortable and vulnerable enough to tell us their concerns. It's crazy, but its truly a blessing that here we are sitting in these stranger's living rooms being told everything that they've gone through in their lives and we have all the answers they've been searching for. We have the one thing that will bring them happiness, it's the gospel.I just feel so privileged to be the one to bring that to these people's painful lives. Life is hard, but its even harder without the gospel and everyday I am more and more grateful to have been able to grow up with the gospel, because I don't know what I'd do without it."
On Thursday, the Sisters taught 2 lessons. They taught the couple, whom the man is being baptized! They taught them the Plan of Salvation. They also visited a 91 year old inactive lady who is just the sweetest! Sister Tanner was told how "bizarre" and "strange" her hair was, by another woman who was at the home. Apparently, she was wearing it in a topknot bun. =)
The following day, Friday, the Sisters taught the couple who is getting baptized again. This time it was about the Law of Chastity. The Sisters knew that this couple was not legally married, so they were nervous about teaching them this subject. The lesson ended with them agreeing to live the law of Chastity, and also with wedding planning! They decided to get married! The wedding will be this weekend, and the baptism is next week! It touches my heart knowing what an impact Sister Tanner is making on the lives of the people in this small town. The light of God's love is truly shining thru her.
Saturday was, "the best day ever!" The Sisters were up at 3:30AM to drive to Appleton, WI for Mission Conference! The lack of sleep was definitely worth it, because she was able to shake Dallin H. Oak's hand!
Mission Conference
Zoomed in. Dallin H. Oaks is on the left in the middle row. Sister Tanner is above them, on the far right!
 Along with Dallin H. Oaks was 4 General Authorities Elder Wark, Elder Funk, Elder Neilson, and Elder Clayton from the 70! It was such a blessing for Sister Tanner to be able to hear an apostle speak directly to her. She says Elder Oaks is hilarious, and exactly how she pictures President Tanner to be like in 30 years. He mainly talked about Missionary work, and how in these last days, we need to devote our whole selves to do the Lord's work. He also talked about how their missions not only will effect other people's lives for generations, but it will effect their own lives and the lives of their future children. Even if they only baptize 1 person their entire mission, that 1 person's entire life choices will be changed for the better. And for generations they will have impacted hundreds of lives just from that 1 person. How powerful to look at Missionary work that way! Sister Tanner said, "What a marvelous calling and opportunity I have! I am so very grateful for my decision to serve. I know that it will bless my life in more ways than I can see now, but I know that my mission has already made me have a desire to be a better person. I want to be more Christlike and I can feel myself aligning my desires with the Lords'. It's been such a blessing to have this calling. I am so grateful for the Lord directing me and helping me through every moment of the day. This is HIS work and I am just the tool to help this gospel be shared with the people of Wisconsin. This work would NOT be possible without my full reliance on Him and my trust in the Lord."
Sister Tanner's testimony is growing every day! It's amazing that she was able to hear Dallin H Oaks speak, and feel so proud of the work she is doing. Mission Conference ended with the Mission President and his wife speaking. It was very sad, because they are getting a new Mission President this coming week during transfers. This was their last time speaking to them.
On the way back from Appleton, the Sisters had the opportunity to visit LAMBEAU field, where the Green Bay Packers play! How exciting! Sister Tanner even got a jersey to represent!
Lambeau Field
What an exciting and fulfilling week Sister Tanner has had! In closing, I'll leave you with part of her testimony she sent us this week. I hope it touches your heart like it did mine.
"I wanted to share with each of you how much my testimony of the Book of Mormon has grown. I am in Alma, and I seriously want to cry when our study time is over and I have to stop reading. I have never in my life had this strong of a desire and love to read the scriptures. I can't put them down. The Book of Mormon has all the answers and I am so grateful for them in my life. I know they are the true words of God and tools for us to gain better knowledge of the things we need to do to prepare to meet Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for the personal revelation I gain when I read everyday. I challenge each of you to pray before and after you read. Pray for a better understanding and to gain the revelation you need or to find the answers to your prayers. I promise you, it will happen. Read the scriptures every chance you get. If you are having a bad day or struggling with something, turn to the scriptures. They have the answers! I love them! "
"I am so blessed to have such an amazing family. I feel your prayers on my behalf and I am so grateful for the strength and courage they bring me. Thank you for all supporting me on this journey. It's the best decision I ever made in my life. I love being a missionary!!!! =)"
Sister Tanner and her companion Sister Newton
"Arise and shine forth, let us add to the flame that burns brightly in hearts that bear his name."
"And this torch that's a standard for the nations all to see"
"Is the light of the world"
"Shining through me!"
Fashionably trekking through Prairie du Chien
Achievement Day girls photoshoot from a few weeks ago.
Sister's apartment

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