Monday was pday! We just hung out and walked around these cute shops by the lake. It was relaxing! We had dinner with the "T"s and they are so fun! Then we visited the "G"s and read with them about when Christ blessed the children in the Book of Mormon. "B"s less active 15 yr old cousin read with us and he was super into it! He even said the closing prayer! This is huge progress!!
Tuesday we had lunch with Sister V. I absolutely LOVE her! We can all stay with her when we come back to visit. Then we had district meeting. It was different but pretty good. Then we did exchanges with Racine sisters and Sister Asper came with me to Kenosha. It was weird being companions again after a year! We've both changed and grown a lot. It was a fun day with her. She told me about a lot of the disobedience problems in her district with other missionaries so I had to help her gain confidence to continue to be obedient even when the other missionaries try to make it the cool thing to not be obedient. So frustrating! But we had a lesson with the "P" family and taught the Plan of Salvation and set baptism dates with all of them for October 25th. :) They are all so excited and their only concern was getting their hair wet! haha. Then we had dinner with Sister "B". Love her so much! Then we had a bunch of other appointments for the night. It was a really great day.
Wednesday we saw a bunch of people! We had lunch with the "F"s. They are so funny. We had a really good lesson about keeping our covenants and continuing to try when we aren't perfect. Then we exchanged back and we headed out to the country to visit some people out there before our dinner appointment. We stopped by the ward mission leader's house because we are never "just in the neighborhood" so the one time we were we had to stop by. Sister "C" is hilarious and my favorite person ever! We had a blast chatting with her and she invited us to have a conference party and watch conference at their house for one last hooray before I get transferred! Yay I'm excited! Then later we had institute and it was Sister Z's first time teaching and she did amazing! I love institute! Wish I had one to go to while I was at FIDM!
Thursday we had weekly planning and we had a mini freakout because we were planning for the last full month of our missions. SO WEIRD! But we were able to get ahold of a lot of people which was super good! Then we had a lesson with the "P"s. We brought a young woman with us because she goes to school with one of the daughters. She is amazing! She has such a strong testimony and is such a great example to me! Wish more girls were like her! She's our best friend in Young womens! The lesson went great! The "P"s really want to come to church but don't have a car or a way there, so that's a struggle. Then we had dinner with the "T"s and then headed off for Milwaukee to do an exchange with West Allis. I stayed in West Allis with Sister Silva. As soon as I got there I found out they are teaching this girl that I taught while I was there but kinda fell off the map. I had a dream about her like 2 days before exchanges and I was gonna tell them to try calling her but they are already teaching her again. How great is that? :)
Friday was an amazing day in "Stallis". I love it! We had a couple appointments in the morning with some less actives and then we went walking to contact potentials and street contact. We were able to talk to so many people and get a lot of great contacts and new investigators for them! We also ran into a lot of people telling us we were going to hell and that we were brainwashed. Haha. For every great solid new investigator, there was 2 revilers. Haha. Then we met up with Sarah W and had a lesson with her. She's doing sooo good. She just got her patriarchal blessing! She told us how her blessing talks about her helping the "undesired" and she was just so happy because she wants to go into Social work and she was like, "the guy would have had no way of knowing that!" Her testimony is so strong and she told us all about how she started dating some guy who tried to drift her away from church and then God told her she was getting off the path, so she broke up with him and headed back for the straight and narrow. She's doing great! I love her so much! She said she's going to camp out at the airport the day I fly out! haha. Then we met up with the RS president in West Allis, and we all had dinner together! We had a blast laughing and talking about old times. It was a perfect last exchange in West Allis even though Im secretly hoping they send me back there!
Saturday we had correlation and then I asked for a blessing because my ankle has been killing me from running everyday. So I got a great blessing that was full of how much Heavenly Father is proud of me and he's grateful for the work I've done in this area. The blessing said HF is mindful of my needs and my families needs. :) It was very comforting! Afterward, we went to a member who's a foot doctor and he gave me a wrap and said to get it checked out after I get home. Then we had a couple lessons then it was RS Super Saturday and we took some fun classes on organization, family finances and hairstyling and sign language. During the finances one, the guy told me how to get out of debt! It was great! Then during the hairstyling one, the YW wanted me to teach them how to do my "perfect bun" Lol. Love the Young woman! Then the ward put on a nice dinner for us all and then it was the broadcast. The Broadcast was amazing!!! I loved Uchtdorf's talk! All my questions I wrote down were answered and I am so excited for this weekend!!!
Sunday was amazing. President and Sister Cutler were visiting our ward and speaking in sacrament meeting. Our song went really well (even though me and sister reed both caught colds and weren't feeling very well) many people told us how much it touched them and how well we did. During 3rd hour, they had a combined YM/YW and President had all of us missionaries on a panel and asked us questions and stuff about missionary life and we had to answer them. It was super fun and got the youth involved. I love President!!! Also, President Mortimer from the Stake presidency was there and afterward, he came to speak to us and told us how much he felt the spirit from us and how he wishes our group of 6 missionaries in our ward could stay there for our whole missions. He thanked us for being so unified and amazing missionaries. That meant a lot to us! It was a great sunday!!!
I love you all sooo very much! Thank you for your support and prayers in my behalf. My mission is the best thing that has happened in my life and I am so glad the Lord sent me here to Kenosha. I love this town and I love the people here. They will be my friends forever. :) I hope you all have a wonderful day and enjoy watching conference! I will find comfort in knowing we are all watching our prophet and apostles at the same time. :) Also, tell Pebbles happy birthday for me this week! I love and miss all of you!!! See you in 6 short weeks!
Sister Karlie Marie Tanner <3